ключевая конструкция и характеристики пластиновых обратных клапанов

Sep 12, 2024

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The wafer check valve is a type of check valve widely used in the industrial sector. Its design is simple, and it offers flexible installation options, making it suitable for medium and low-pressure applications. The wafer check valve can be installed either vertically or horizontally, depending on the pipeline's specific conditions. Particularly, its wafer-style design allows for a compact size and lightweight construction, facilitating transportation, installation, and maintenance. Moreover, the wafer check valve has low fluid resistance and minimal water hammer pressure, effectively reducing the impact on pipelines when the medium flows in the reverse direction, thereby extending the service life of equipment. However, due to the limitations in its structural design, the wafer check valve is not suitable for high-pressure systems and is only effective in medium and low-pressure conditions.

Sealing Principle of Wafer Check Valves

The sealing principle of wafer check valves is similar to that of butterfly valves, which can be divided into two types: single plate and double plate wafer check valves.

1. Single Plate Wafer Check Valve

The sealing of a single plate wafer check valve primarily relies on the eccentric torque generated by the reverse flow of the medium to close the valve. When the medium flows in the forward direction, the flow overcomes the weight of the disc and pushes the valve open. After the pumping stops, the lack of forward flow causes the disc to close the valve due to its own weight, with the sealing performance ensured by the pressure generated by the medium's backflow. At this point, the specific pressure on the sealing surface is crucial; it must be sufficient to ensure a seal but not exceed the limits allowed by the material. For high-pressure applications, the sealing surface should be designed wider, while for low-pressure situations, a narrower sealing surface can be used to ensure effective sealing without causing excessive damage to the sealing material.

2. Double Plate Wafer Check Valve

The double plate wafer check valve achieves sealing and fluid control through the design of two disc plates. This type of valve uses the reverse pressure of the medium to overcome the torque of the spring, allowing the valve to open, while closure relies on the torque generated by the spring. Similarly, in the closed state, the pressure from the medium's backflow acts on the sealing surface, ensuring the valve's tightness. Like the single plate wafer check valve, the sealing surface of a double plate wafer check valve should be widened for high-pressure applications, and it can be relatively narrower for low-pressure conditions to ensure stable performance.

Features of Wafer Check Valves

Wafer check valves have many advantages in practical use, and their design features make them very suitable for large diameters, low flow rates, and applications with minimal flow variations. The main features of wafer check valves are as follows.

1. Low Fluid Resistance

The wafer check valve's disc is disc-shaped and can rotate around the valve seat channel's rotational axis. Due to the streamlined internal design of the valve body, the fluid resistance is minimal, making it particularly suitable for large diameter pipes with low flow rates and minimal flow variations.

2. Various Disc Designs

Wafer check valves are designed with single, double, or multi-disc configurations depending on the valve size. The multi-disc design aims to reduce hydraulic shock, especially when the medium stops flowing or reverses, by gradually diminishing the reverse impact through multiple discs, protecting the pipeline system.

3. Simple Structure, Flexible Installation

The structure of the wafer check valve is relatively simple. In addition to the wafer design making it compact and lightweight, it can also be installed in confined spaces. Compared to other types of check valves, it offers good sealing performance and is suitable for use in medium and low-pressure systems.

Application Advantages of Wafer Check Valves

Wafer check valves are characterized by low fluid resistance, good sealing performance, and lightweight, making them widely used across various industries. Their primary role in piping systems is to prevent medium backflow, protecting equipment and ensuring the normal operation of systems. In water treatment, water supply, wastewater treatment, air conditioning systems, chemical industries, and other industries that require fluid direction control, wafer check valves are an efficient and economical choice.
With their simple design, lightweight structure, and efficient sealing performance, wafer check valves have demonstrated strong adaptability in the industrial field. Whether single or double plate, they can provide reliable fluid control solutions according to different operational requirements. Their low fluid resistance, lightweight, and easy installation make them an ideal choice for medium and low-pressure systems. As technology continues to advance, the structure and functionality of wafer check valves will be further optimized, playing a greater role in more industrial applications, and contributing to the safety, economy, and efficient operation of systems.

Cледующий: внешнее уплотнение клапанов: ключевые аспекты и применения

Предыдущий: Триммеры клапанов


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О нас
Компания Bosseal Valve, основанная в 2013 году, является профессиональным производителем клапанов в Сучжоу, Китай. В основном мы поставляем промышленные шаровые краны, задвижки, шаровые клапаны, обратные клапаны, поворотные затворы, пробковые клапаны и сетчатые фильтры, разработанные и изготовленные в соответствии со стандартами API, ASME, ISO, DIN, BS, EN.
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