как поддерживать хорошую работу плавающего шарового клапана

Aug 22, 2024

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Floating ball valves are a critical fluid control device, widely used in industrial production such as oil, chemical, natural gas, and water treatment due to their simple structure, flexible operation, and excellent sealing performance. Despite their many advantages, floating ball valves may encounter some common issues during long-term use, which can affect their performance and lifespan. Understanding and resolving these issues is crucial to ensure their stable operation and extend their service life. This article will discuss common problems of floating ball valves, solutions, and maintenance suggestions in detail.

Common Problems of Floating Ball Valves

Floating ball valves are favored for their simple structure and flexible operation. However, some common problems that can affect their performance and reliability may arise during long-term use. Understanding these issues and their solutions is vital for maintaining the normal operation and extending the lifespan of the valve.

1. Gas Leakage After Valve Closure

This is one of the most common issues with floating ball valves. Gas leakage is usually caused by damaged or severely worn oil seals and broken gaskets. When the oil seals or gaskets cannot provide adequate sealing performance, the medium will leak through the valve. The first step to solve this problem is to locate the leak point and replace the damaged oil seals or gaskets according to the specific situation.

2. Operation Inflexibility Due to Internal Rusting

After long-term use, floating ball valves are prone to accumulating rust inside, especially in high-humidity environments. This can lead to inflexible operation or even blockage of the valve. To prevent this, it is recommended to clean the interior regularly to maintain cleanliness and smooth operation of the valve. Additionally, choosing rust-resistant material valves in environments prone to rust is also an effective preventive measure.

3. Deformation or Failure Due to High-Temperature Medium

Floating ball valves are generally suitable for normal temperature media, but when handling high-temperature media, if a floating ball valve made of materials resistant to high temperatures is not selected, it may lead to valve deformation or failure. This not only affects the sealing performance of the valve but may also bring safety hazards. Therefore, in high-temperature applications, it is necessary to choose floating ball valves specifically designed for high-temperature environments to ensure their normal operation and safety.

4. Sticking Phenomenon During Valve Opening and Closing

The sticking phenomenon during the valve opening and closing process is usually caused by the aging of gaskets or partial freezing. This can prevent the valve from fully opening or closing, thus affecting its regulation and control functions. To solve this problem, replace the aged gaskets or defrost by heating to restore the normal operation of the valve.

5. Sealing Inadequacy Between the Valve Core and Seat

Leakage of a floating ball valve in the closed state is usually caused by inadequate sealing between the valve core and seat. Inadequate sealing may be due to foreign objects trapped or damage to the valve core and seat. At this time, carefully inspect the valve core and seat, remove foreign objects, and repair or replace damaged parts as needed.

6. Component Wear Due to Long-Term Use

During long-term use, some components of the floating ball valve may wear due to frequent operation and the corrosiveness of the medium, affecting the overall performance of the valve. The way to solve this problem is to regularly inspect the key components of the valve and replace severely worn parts in a timely manner to maintain the normal working state of the valve.

Maintenance and Care Suggestions for Floating Ball Valves

The maintenance and care of floating ball valves are crucial to ensure their long service life and stable performance. By regularly inspecting, cleaning, and properly maintaining, common problems can be prevented, and the valve's efficient operation can be maintained. Here are some maintenance and care suggestions for floating ball valves.

1. Regularly Check Working Conditions

Regularly check the operation of the floating ball valve, especially its flexibility in opening and closing and sealing performance. The following points should be noted during the inspection:
Sealing Test: Ensure the valve is completely sealed in the closed state with no medium leakage. If leakage is found, check the gaskets and oil seals and replace them if necessary.
Switching Operation: Test whether the valve's opening and closing operations are smooth, and check for any sticking or excessive resistance. If problems are found, they should be addressed promptly to avoid causing greater damage to the valve.

2. Clean the Valve's Outer Surface

The outer surface of the valve is prone to accumulating dust, dirt, or corrosive substances, and long-term accumulation of these impurities may lead to corrosion or damage to the external components. It is recommended to perform the following cleaning work regularly:
Surface Cleaning: Use soft cloth and appropriate cleaning agents to clean the dust and dirt on the outer surface of the valve. Avoid using corrosive cleaning agents to prevent damage to the valve surface.
Anti-corrosion Measures: After cleaning, consider applying preservatives or other protective coatings on the valve surface according to the operating environment, especially in humid or highly corrosive environments.

3. Regular Lubrication

To reduce friction and wear during the operation of the floating ball valve, regular lubrication is necessary. The following points should be noted when lubricating:
Choose the Right Lubricant: Select the appropriate lubricant based on the material of the valve and the working environment. Generally, a lubricating oil or grease with antioxidant and anti-rust properties should be chosen.
Lubrication Frequency: Determine the appropriate lubrication frequency based on the frequency of use and environmental conditions of the valve. Valves in high-temperature, high-pressure, or corrosive environments may require more frequent lubrication.

4. Inspection and Replacement of Components

During long-term use, some key components of the floating ball valve may fail due to wear or aging. Regular inspection and replacement of these components can effectively prevent the occurrence of faults:
Gaskets: Check the wear of gaskets and replace them promptly if they are damaged or aged to ensure the valve's sealing.
Oil Seals: Damaged oil seals can cause leakage. Regularly inspect and replace damaged oil seals to ensure the normal operation of the valve.
Valve Stem and Seat: Regularly check the wear of the valve stem and seat, and repair or replace them if there is damage or wear.
As a common type of pipeline valve, floating ball valves are widely used in various industrial, construction, and civil facilities. Although they have superior performance, various problems may be encountered during use. By promptly identifying and resolving these issues and carrying out regular maintenance and care, the service life of floating ball valves can be greatly extended, ensuring their reliability and stability in various application scenarios.

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О нас
Компания Bosseal Valve, основанная в 2013 году, является профессиональным производителем клапанов в Сучжоу, Китай. В основном мы поставляем промышленные шаровые краны, задвижки, шаровые клапаны, обратные клапаны, поворотные затворы, пробковые клапаны и сетчатые фильтры, разработанные и изготовленные в соответствии со стандартами API, ASME, ISO, DIN, BS, EN.
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