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Showing 1–9 of 176 results

Вафли и клапан-бабочка с логотипом: как выбрать?

Вафли и клапан-бабочка с логотипом: как выбрать?

Wafer and Lug butterfly valves are two widely used types of butterfly valves in fluid control systems. Due to their different structures, installation methods, and application scenarios, they each have distinct advantages and areas of suitability. To help users better understand and choose the appropriate butterfly valve type, this article will explore the structural features, installation methods, performance advantages, disadvantages, and application fields of both types. A comparison of their...

Выбор клапана для легковоспламеняющихся и взрывоопасных сред

Выбор клапана для легковоспламеняющихся и взрывоопасных сред

в технологических системах, которые обрабатывают легковоспламеняющиеся и взрывоопасные среды,valves Shutoff Reliability   In practice, valves with higher shutoff reliability, such as gate or globe valves, should be chosen to ensure that no media leaks.   Ball Valves: These valves have the lowest pressure drop and are suitable for applications requiring low flow resistance. Клапан-бабочка: эти клапаны имеют наибольшее падение давления и подходят для более простого контроля расхода.       запорные...

фильтры из кованой стали: долговечные фильтрационные решения

фильтры из кованой стали: долговечные фильтрационные решения

Forged steel strainers are high-strength, corrosion-resistant industrial devices widely used in demanding environments. Their primary function is to filter out impurities and particles from fluids, ensuring the purity of the medium and the safety of the system. Made from forged steel, these strainers offer excellent mechanical strength and are capable of stable operation in harsh conditions like high temperature and pressure. The structure, design features, and versatility of forged steel strainers...

лучшие практики смазки и обслуживания клапанов

лучшие практики смазки и обслуживания клапанов

смазка является ключевой частьюклапан maintenance. Proper control of the amount of grease, greasing pressure, and switch position is essential to ensure the valve operates normally and lasts longer. This article covers key points in the greasing process, including the correct greasing amount, pressure, switch position, and the effectiveness of the greasing. It also provides best practices for proper valve Control of Greasing Amount       Sealing capacity refers to the amount of grease needed for...

монтаж и обслуживание фланцевых задвижек

монтаж и обслуживание фланцевых задвижек

Flanged gate valves are widely used in industrial applications due to their excellent sealing performance, simple and reliable structure, and durability. However, high-quality valves alone cannot ensure long-term stable operation of the system. Proper installation and maintenance are essential to ensure their performance. This article provides a comprehensive guide, covering preparation, installation steps, and maintenance, to help you maximize the functionality and advantages of flanged gate valves....

как выбрать подходящий фильтр для вашей системы

как выбрать подходящий фильтр для вашей системы

Strainers are small devices used to remove solid particles from liquids or gases in pipeline systems. They are widely utilized across various industrial applications to protect downstream equipment and ensure the purity of the fluid. By efficiently screening out contaminants, strainers prevent equipment damage and improve system efficiency and safety. This guide explains the basic working principles of strainers, their types, key selection factors, and their importance in different applications....

техническое обслуживание и устранение неисправностей полностью сварных шаровых клапанов

техническое обслуживание и устранение неисправностей полностью сварных шаровых клапанов

Fully welded ball valves are essential in industries where high pressure, high temperature, and harsh environments are common. However, over time, they may face issues like clogging or jamming. It's important to handle and maintain them properly to keep everything running smoothly. In this article, we'll walk you through the common problems you might face with fully welded ball valves, why they happen, and how to fix them, so you can keep your equipment in top condition and avoid any major...

соображения чугунных клапанов в системах горячей воды

соображения чугунных клапанов в системах горячей воды

чугунные клапаны are commonly used in both industrial and residential piping systems. They're well-known for being durable, corrosion-resistant, and relatively inexpensive. However, when it comes to hot water pipelines, where temperatures and pressures are high, special care needs to be taken. It's important to consider factors like the nature of the medium, the operating temperature and pressure, and the choice of sealing materials and internal components. In this article, we'll dive into how well...

Производительность уплотнения плоского задвижки

Производительность уплотнения плоского задвижки

Flat gate valves are important components in fluid control systems, and they play a key role in industries like oil, natural gas, power, and chemicals. Their job is to control the flow and pressure of fluids, and their sealing performance is vital to ensuring stability and safety during operation. When the valve's seal doesn't work properly, it can cause leaks, damage, or even system failure. So, selecting the right sealing materials and designing the valve properly is crucial for long-term...

О нас
Компания Bosseal Valve, основанная в 2013 году, является профессиональным производителем клапанов в Сучжоу, Китай. В основном мы поставляем промышленные шаровые краны, задвижки, шаровые клапаны, обратные клапаны, поворотные затворы, пробковые клапаны и сетчатые фильтры, разработанные и изготовленные в соответствии со стандартами API, ASME, ISO, DIN, BS, EN.
Our Contacts
Building 2, NO.59, Songshan Road, SND, Suzhou, China