Mejora del sistema de aceite de transferencia de calor con válvula de globo de sellado de soffle

Mejora del sistema de aceite de transferencia de calor con válvula de globo de sellado de soffle

May 10, 2024

Heat transfer oil, as a crucial medium for heat transfer in industrial production, plays a pivotal role across various sectors. Ensuring the efficient operation of heat transfer oil systems necessitates the selection of appropriate valves. Among the array of options, the bellows seal globe valve emerges as a smart choice for optimizing heat transfer oil systems, owing to its unique design and performance. Below, we delve into the advantages of this bellows seal globe valve over traditional valves and its suitability in different environments.
1. Superior Leakage Prevention
Heat transfer oil exhibits strong permeability, posing challenges for traditional packing-sealed valves to prevent leakage effectively. In contrast, the bellows seal globe valve, employing a bellows structure, completely eliminates this concern. Its superior sealing performance not only conserves heat transfer oil but also reduces equipment and site contamination, thereby lowering maintenance costs and enhancing overall system efficiency.
2. Stability in High-Temperature Environments
Traditional valves often encounter aging and leakage issues in high-temperature environments due to material limitations. For instance, the PTFE material inside conventional ball valves is not heat-resistant, leading to potential leaks. In contrast, the bellows seal globe valve utilizes stainless steel materials capable of withstanding temperatures up to 425°C, ensuring prolonged stability in operation, reducing maintenance frequency and costs, and enhancing production stability.
3. Corrosion Resistance
Traditional packing-sealed valves frequently employ materials such as graphite, which may lose their sealing effectiveness when exposed to insufficiently pure heat transfer oil prone to corrosion. In comparison, the bellows seal globe valve's internal components are entirely composed of stainless steel, effectively resisting heat transfer oil corrosion, ensuring long-term sealing performance, and reducing maintenance costs and downtime.
4. Environmental Adaptability
In specialized environments such as the chemical industry, stringent material and design requirements for valves are paramount. The bellows seal globe valve not only adapts to high-temperature and high-pressure conditions but can also utilize plastic or nylon air source pipelines, as well as protective pipes such as galvanized pipes, to ensure stable operation under various conditions.
In conclusion, the bellows seal globe valve, with its advantages of zero leakage, high-temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, and environmental adaptability, excels in heat transfer oil systems. Opting for the appropriate valve not only enhances system stability and safety but also reduces operating costs and boosts production efficiency. Therefore, in the design and operation of heat transfer oil systems, due consideration should be given to the application of bellows seal globe valves to achieve optimal system performance and economic benefits.

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Anterior: Mejora la seguridad de la industria química con válvula de mariposa revestida de PTFE

Sobre nosotros
Fundada en 2013, Bose Valve es una empresa profesional de fabricación de válvulas en Suzhou, China. Principalmente suministramos válvulas de bola industriales, válvulas de compuerta, válvulas de globo, válvulas de retención, válvulas de mariposa, válvulas de llave y filtros diseñados y fabricados de acuerdo con los estándares API, ASME, ISO, DIN, BS y EN.
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