
Showing 21–30 of 56 results

Asegure la instalación segura y estable de la válvula de retención del clip

Asegure la instalación segura y estable de la válvula de retención del clip

Wafer check valves are essential components in pipeline systems, and their correct installation and regular maintenance are crucial for fluid control and flow protection. Below, we elaborate on the preparatory steps before installation, the installation process, and regular maintenance procedures of the wafer check valve. Pre-Installation Preparations   Before proceeding with the installation of wafer check valves, it is essential to undertake thorough pre-installation preparations to ensure...

Válvula de bola de acero inoxidable forjada: tecnología de tubería avanzada

Válvula de bola de acero inoxidable forjada: tecnología de tubería avanzada

Forged stainless steel ball valves represent cutting-edge technology in the international standards for valve development. Specifically engineered for the transportation of petroleum and natural gas in long-distance pipelines, as well as urban gas pipeline systems, these ball valves are meticulously crafted to address the unique challenges posed by long-distance pipeline applications. This article delves into the key aspects of forged stainless steel ball valves, including their features, materials,...

Válvula de bola de tres vías: solución de control de fluido aerodinámico

Válvula de bola de tres vías: solución de control de fluido aerodinámico

Three-way ball valves are indispensable components in industrial and pipeline systems, offering efficient control over fluid flow. With their simple yet robust design, these ball valves play a crucial role in various industries by facilitating fluid distribution, diversion, and shut-off operations. Understanding their structure, working principles, and advantages is essential for optimizing their performance within complex piping networks.   Working Principle   The working principle of...

Comprender el principio y las características de la válvula de globo

Comprender el principio y las características de la válvula de globo

The globe valve stands as a prevalent type of pipeline valve, primarily deployed for controlling fluid flow within pipelines and executing fluid shut-off functions. Characterized by a relatively simple structure and a straightforward operating principle, the globe valve offers notable versatility in various industrial settings. Below, we will delve into its structural features and expound on the characteristics of its operating torque. Structural Features of Globe Valve   The globe valve encompasses...

Importancia del filtro de tipo Y en el sistema de control de fluidos

Importancia del filtro de tipo Y en el sistema de control de fluidos

In fluid conveyance systems, Y strainers play a vital role in filtering out impurities and ensuring smooth operation. Positioned at the inlet ends of pressure reducing valves, relief valves, and level control valves, these filters are renowned for their efficient filtration capabilities and robust design. This article aims to explore the structural features, operational benefits, and diverse industrial applications of Y strainers, highlighting their significance in achieving effective fluid control...

Válvula de retención oscilante: guía de estructura, operación y mantenimiento

Válvula de retención oscilante: guía de estructura, operación y mantenimiento

Swing check valves, also referred to as one-way or non-return valves, play a pivotal role in preventing the reverse flow of media within pipelines. Operating on the principle of fluid dynamics and internal forces, these check valves automatically regulate the flow to prevent backflow, ensuring system integrity and safety. In this article, we will discuss the structural features, operating principles, as well as maintenance, installation, and usage guidelines for the swing check valve. Principle...

Comparación de la válvula de compuerta de sellado suave y la válvula de compuerta de asiento de metal

Comparación de la válvula de compuerta de sellado suave y la válvula de compuerta de asiento de metal

Soft seal gate valves and metal seat gate valves play pivotal roles in engineering applications, directly influencing the safety and efficiency of industrial production through their sealing performance. The structural disparities between the two types of gate valves highlight distinct advantages and considerations in various aspects.   1. Sealing Structure Soft seal gate valves feature a construction where one side comprises metal while the other side incorporates elastic non-metallic materials...

Puntos de operación y mantenimiento de la válvula de compuerta de acero forjado

Puntos de operación y mantenimiento de la válvula de compuerta de acero forjado

Forged steel gate valves are indispensable key devices in pipeline systems, with their movement direction perpendicular to the fluid direction, allowing for full open and full close functions. In the conveyance of various media, the selection and maintenance of forged steel gate valves are crucial, as they not only affect the performance and stability of equipment but also directly impact the normal operation of industrial production. Here are some key considerations for operating and maintaining...

La causa raíz de la fuga de la válvula de compuerta y su solución

La causa raíz de la fuga de la válvula de compuerta y su solución

Gate valves, as one of the widely used industrial valves, play a crucial role in various engineering applications. However, due to their complex structure and unique operational environments, gate valve leakage issues are not uncommon, posing certain risks to industrial production. To gain a comprehensive understanding of gate valve leakage problems and effectively address them, it is necessary to delve into their root causes while exploring multiple handling solutions.   Root Causes of Gate...

Sobre nosotros
Fundada en 2013, Bose Valve es una empresa profesional de fabricación de válvulas en Suzhou, China. Principalmente suministramos válvulas de bola industriales, válvulas de compuerta, válvulas de globo, válvulas de retención, válvulas de mariposa, válvulas de llave y filtros diseñados y fabricados de acuerdo con los estándares API, ASME, ISO, DIN, BS y EN.
Our Contacts

Building 2, NO.59, Songshan Road, SND, Suzhou, China